Sunday, July 6, 2014

Saturday Visit with my horses

Barry and I went up to Ebenezer yesterday to check on places to leave the trailer.  We rode down to Letney Park (well, where it used to be!) and through Ebenezer and the little neighborhood behind Ebenezer.  We ate at The Stump.  Generally the food is terrific.  It wasn't yesterday.

We headed home and stopped at the barn.  Biscuit and Sarge both came in to me.  Barry's friend, Terry, came out to the barn and then home with us to visit.  Biscuit walked out of the corral when Terry walked up.  I walked out in the pasture with him and he was fine with me walking up to him.  Edgar came by with feed and I took the buckets and fed them.  Biscuit came back in to eat.

Good boy!!!

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